Collection: Mounted Art Prints

Our mounted (matted) prints are produced on quality fine art paper, using professional Epson printers and archival inks for longevity. The paper is much thicker and heavier than that used for posters, and archival inks greatly reduce the likelihood of fading, although we can’t guarantee this. Mounts are made from quality, archival mount board with a neutral-ph non-acidic core, which will keep its colour for the lifetime of the board. Art print image size versus mount size (approximately):

  • 7 x 5 inch image: 10 x 8 inches mounted
  • 20cm sq. image: 12 inches sq. mounted
  • 30cm sq. image: 16 inches sq. mounted
  • A4 image: 16 x 12 inches mounted
  • A3 image: 20 x 16 inches mounted

 Please note that prints sized 20cm sq., A4 mounted and above are in the Large/Heavy class and sent separately. Therefore there is a separate shipping charge for these items.